We help you help them:

A proven digital marketing strategy for growing your therapy practice.

You Became a Therapist to Help Others, Not to Struggle with Marketing.

Do you find yourself...

  • Unsure of where your next client will come from?

  • Nervous about bringing on new team members because you’re not confident you can fill their caseloads?

  • Burnt out from trying to hack Instagram, write blog posts, and get referral partners, all while serving your patients and your team?

  • Like you could be making a more meaningful impact if only you could reach more people?

  • Stretched thin because you’re focused on growing your practice when you wish you could focus on your patients?

We get it. And we're here to help. At Pollinate Marketing, we understand the unique challenges therapists face. Our mission is to help you flourish, making it easier to connect with those who need your services the most. Let's take the stress out of marketing so you can focus on what you do best—changing lives.

How We help you get more clients & scale

Foundations Phase

We start by understanding what's working and what's not in your practice. We analyze your current numbers, including leads, conversions, and lifetime value, to identify areas for improvement.

Next, we optimize your online presence and build a solid foundation for growth. This includes updating your website with targeted copywriting and SEO optimization.

Flourish Phase

Once we’ve built a website that serves as a powerful client magnet, we use what we uncovered during your discovery period to launch your business's most effective lead generation channel.

We work with you and your team to create and execute targeted marketing campaigns to drive traffic and attract your ideal clients. We understand the frustration of spending time and money on ineffective strategies. That's why we handle it for you. From setting up and managing Google Ads, launching engaging social media ads, optimizing your Psychology Today profile, and closely monitoring your performance to ensure you see real, measurable results.

Sustain and Grow:
Ongoing Support

Finally, we help you grow and nurture your client relationships with ongoing support. First, we fine-tune your custom new client experience system, allowing you to create effective automations to increase conversions and decrease churn. We continuously analyze your numbers, test your ads, and fine-tune your lead gen channels monthly.

  • "Wow! Thank you so much Bonnie! We have noticed an uptake in client inquiries so it feels like things are working smoother! Thank you so much!"

  • "We had to turn our ad spend down after the first month while we hire to fulfill the new inquiries coming in!"

  • When I started working with Pollinate, rather than running Google ads internally, my practice immediately saw the impact - we were able to see a 2x return on spend, not to mention the peace of mind, being able to focus on serving my team and my clients.

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  • "Our favorite parts of working with Pollinate is the culture of responsiveness, lightheartedness, flexibility, joyful fun interactions, and healthy pushback"t Item

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  • Pollinate Marketing has been and is a godsend for us. We are a new company in an industry that needs advisement and guidance. We have received creative and responsive service in regards to our website, our branding, and our social media. Pollinate Marketing has been working with us to achieve our ongoing goals and keeps us focused on the tasks at hand to create the best digital marketing possible.

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Ready to transform your practice?

Receive the personalized support you and your practice deserve to thrive. Let us guide you to quickly book ideal-fit, full-fee clients, ensuring your practice flourishes.

Book your free consultation: